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Unsere Empfehlungen
After using the shampoo my hair looks extremely alive. It washes well doesn't weigh the hair down and smells great. There is definitely a lot of luxury in this bottle which my hair likes.
I have been using the shampoo and conditioner together for a couple of weeks and drybar really do deliver on the promise of smooth and shiny hair. My hair feels moisturised even with the dry winter air. That said the product is really difficult to get out of the bottle. I started storing the bottles upside down and unscrew the whole top rather than try to squeeze it out of the nozzle. You will need A LOT of product. I use at least twice the amount of my usual shampoo. Therefore as drybar is only slightly less than my old shampoo it becomes much more expensive in the long run. I have deducted two stars for the bottle and the cost. I would buy this again if it was on sale.
This shampoo is amazing. My bleached frazzled hair has been transformed. Nothing has ever made such a difference even from the first use. This makes my hair look sleek and shiny. I have
When first using this product i noticed how dry in consistency it was . This maybe a clue in the brand name . Unlike other shampoos it didn’t lather up and go foamy . It meant i actually used more product than i probably needed. After rinsing it didn’t give that clean feeling i usually have after using regular shampoo. However when i dried my hair i did notice it left my hair less frizzy shiny and good condition.

Die reichhaltige, aber leichte Formel reinigt das Haar und sorgt für ein glattes, glänzendes und frizzfreies Finish.
- Glänzendes, frizzfreies Finish
- Reichhaltige, aber leichte Formel
- Ohne Parabene, Sulfate und Phthalate. Tierversuchsfrei
- Ideal für alle Haartypen
Wichtige Inhaltsstoffe
Veganes Keratin
Ein stark feuchtigkeitsspendendes Protein, das hilft, die Haarstruktur zu versiegeln, zu stärken und zu glätten.
Glättet, hilft Frizz zu verhindern, und sorgt für ein hochglänzendes Finish.
Hilft, das Haar zu erweichen und die Handhabbarkeit zu verbessern, ohne es zu beschweren.
Das Liquid Glass Smoothing Shampoo ist für alle Haartypen geeignet und beschwert das Haar nicht!